

どのようなことを学べますか? What can I study at TFU?

〈総合福祉学部〉Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare

Through training and study, students learn knowledge, skills and social practices. Our goal is to create specialists in social welfare from a wide perspective.
  -社会福祉学科 Dept. of Social Welfare
  -福祉心理学科 Dept. of Psychology for Human Well-Being
  -福祉行政学科 Dept. of Public Administration

〈総合マネジメント学部〉Faculty of Comprehensive Management

Our goal is to help students gain the knowledge and ability to manage people and exhibit leadership skills.
  -産業福祉マネジメント学科 Dept. of Industrial Welfare Management
  -情報福祉マネジメント学科 Dept. of Welfare Informatics Management

〈教育学部〉Faculty of Education

Through connections with schools and school systems, students can learn education from early childhood to secondary school, including special education. The course has a wide scope of education focusing on lifelong learning with flexibility in educational matters and needs.
  -教育学科 Dept. of Education

〈健康科学部〉Faculty of Health Sciences

Founded in humanity and normalization, respect for life and human dignity are the base students will use to bring people to become well-balanced.
  -保健看護学科 Dept. of Nursing
  -医療経営管理学科 Dept. of Healthcare Management
  -リハビリテーション学科 Dept. of Rehabilitation (Physical Therapy Course, Occumational Therapy Course)

評価システムはどのようになっていますか? What kind of grading system does TFU use?

Grade Percentage GPA
秀 (A) 90-100 4
優(B) 80-89 3
良(C) 70-79 2
可(D) 60-69 1
不可(F) 0-59 0

大学寮はありますか? Is there school housing?

Yes, near the campus there an apartment style housing (Chiyoda Dorm), and so forth. Contact the International Center for more information.

日本語が話せなくても大丈夫ですか? Do I need to speak Japanese to enter TFU?

For degree programs, international students must score above 200 on the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) or pass the 2nd grade Japanese Language Aptitude Test. However, if you are an international exchange student enrolled in one of our exchange partners’ institutions, it is possible to enter as an international exchange student under the contractual conditions between the institutions. There are Japanese classes available for both kinds of students.

英語で提供されている授業はありますか?どのような授業ですか? Are there classes in English? What kinds?

日本語、臨床美術、幼児言語、特別支援教育等の他、茶道や座禅も学ぶことができます。 また、事前に相談した上で開講することが可能な科目もありますのでご相談ください。
Japanese Language, Clinical Art, Global Communication, Child Language and Special Education can be studied in English as well as Tea Ceremony and Zen Meditation in our international program. Other courses may also be provided upon consultation with the university.

外国人留学生の入学試験はいつですか? When is the entrance exam for international students?

The entrance exam for international students is held every year earlier in November. Contact the Admissions Office or the International Center for more info.

入学したいのですが、どのような手続きが必要ですか? What is the process for entrance?

入学手続き、査証、保険等に関しては、澳门赌场app_老挝黄金赌场-【唯一授权牌照】国際交流支援室へメールにてお問合せ下さい(日本語、英語、中国語に対応)。 お問合せの際は、お名前と現在の所属先をご記入ください。
You need to fill out entrance and visa applications as well as insurance forms. Contact the International Center (Japanese, English and Chinese language support available). Please include your name, country of citizenship and your current academic status.


学生支援センター 国際交流
住所:〒981-8522 宮城県仙台市青葉区国見1?8?1
Tohoku Fukushi University Student Support Department International Academic Exchange Support Division
住所:1-8-1 Kunimi Aoba-ku Sendai-shi Miyagi, Japan 981-8522
TEL:+81 22 301 1296
FAX:+81 22 301 1246